Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Already ready for a new book

So I actually really like World War Z almost to a point I am ashamed of but I also want to read a more academic intellectual and challenging work. I am considering reading The Fountainhead or Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. I really want to read Atlas Shrugged because it is her magnum opus but it is also very long and if it isn't amazing I will most likely lose interest. I am just getting sick of reading books with no overarching idea or point to them, the last book I read that had a point was actually The Power of One which I have read before and I lost interest to a more exciting book about half way through. I also might read Call of the WIld or White Fang since I am a big fan of both books and Jack London as a author.
So in World War Z the infection actually began and I found the first story to begin the war was very cool and a little funny. The person telling the story sounded way too much like Sarah Palin for it to be a coincidence. She is the mayor of a new development that was made to be resistant against future zombie attacks. So she talks about her family and sounds like a typical house wife describing her 'perfect' suburban family. Then she goes on to describe how they prepared for the infection. She describes how they really didn't think that anything would happen but their kids were worried. Then there was an attack and they had bought a gun for protection but couldn't get to it before her husband had been bitten and was being infected. Her and her kids escaped and survived the apocalypse and then went back to living a 'perfect' suburban life.

1 comment:

Austin Dummer said...

I understand your resent to read World War Z, it makes me ashamed too that I also liked it so much.